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Internship Day 19

Little kids are SUPER FAST! I spent about 20 minutes genuinely sprinting to catch the students in a game of tag. I was so out of breath...

Internship Day 18

Since the students don't have classes on Friday, I normally come in and help the teachers with minute projects or helping them flip their...

Internship Day 17

So I was in the classroom today and I heard the saddest thing. I was playing with some of the girls in the class with some play dough and...

Internship Day 16

I started in a new classroom with Ms. Christie at Wolf Springs and I am loving it there! This student fits a little more to what I want...

Internship Day 15

Today I went to the Kindergarten classroom to do my student shadowing and I found that I don't have a strong interest in being in the...

Internship Day 14

Tuesday, I read to the students as part of my lesson plan and I think they really enjoyed. I would ask them lots of question while we...

Internship Day 13

Monday, I spent a lot of time trying to prepare for my lesson on Tuesday. I was going to be reading So You Want to be a Doctor to the...

Internship Day 12

We didn't have any school today but I just wanted to talk about this little boy in the class who is an absolute sweetheart and his name...

Internship Day 11

Wednesday was a crazy day due to the student's Valentine's Day party, which just allowed them to be super hyper all day long. For their...

Internship Day 10

So Tuesday, we had to learn about boundaries! I love hanging out with the students and I can tell that the students like to hang around...

Internship Day 9?

Once again we had another school day in the school district! This allowed me more time to work on other things like my lesson plan and...

Internship Day 8

So today I am just going to share a heartfelt moment I had with the teachers. On Wednesday, which was the first Wednesday I have been...

Internship Day 7

Tuesday, I was a wall of pre-k students during play time. I haven't seen one of the students in a long time and during play...

Internship Day 6

I went into my internship but since it was Friday, the students weren't at school and I was scheduled to help the teachers. My teacher,...

Internship Day 5?

So today is yet again another snow day so instead I will focus on doing a lesson plan for their next unit. I am working to find some...

Internship Day 4

Yesterday was quite a fun day! When the students arrived, I played with them at the play dough center until it was time for them to...

Internship Day 3

So on Friday, I went back to Wolf Springs but the students weren't there since the students have Friday's off. During this time, I helped...

Wolf Springs Internship Day 2?

Unfortunately (?) yesterday, January 23rd, Blue Valley had a snow day due to ice so I wasn't able to get to Wolf Springs even if I wanted...

Wolf Springs Internship Day 1

I started my first day at Wolf Springs for my internship on January 22, 2019. It was interesting to go into school and see what they have...

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