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  • Writer's pictureJada Harper

Internship Day 10

So Tuesday, we had to learn about boundaries! I love hanging out with the students and I can tell that the students like to hang around me since they are constantly hugging on me, lying on me or trying to climb on me. Usually when this happens, I laugh it off and tell them that we need to let Ms. Jada have some space but it's gotten to the point where I have to be super stern with them. So we had to have a talk with some of the students that Ms. Jada needed her space and that we need to keep our bubbles. This also ended up being a relevant lesson since they just had a talk last week on how everyone has a bubble and we have to respect that. I think that now the students are starting to understand that they can't always attack me because someone can get hurt but that definitely doesn't stop that from giving me lots and lots of hugs!

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