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  • Writer's pictureJada Harper

Wolf Springs Internship Day 1

I started my first day at Wolf Springs for my internship on January 22, 2019. It was interesting to go into school and see what they have to offer. The building is clean and didn't seem to be too hard to navigate so it was easy finding Ms. Woodson's room. Ms. Woodson is a special education teacher for Wolf Springs and has two paras in the room with her who are all super friendly. When you enter her room, you are hit with an overload of color and posters. All over she has posters on their behaviors and the alphabet with its association but the one I like the most are the posters that have four different ages on them and the expected behavior from each age. Its simple and straight to the point but very effective.

When I had the pleasure to met the students, they instantly opened up to me sharing all the rules, location of everything and taking me through the normal procedures in the classroom. When I tell you that these students are energetic, I am saying that these students are huge balls of energy! Going through their day, they were generally well behaved and respected each other and seemed to enjoy their days at school. I enjoyed being in the classroom and I can't wait to be in the classroom again!

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