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  • Writer's pictureJada Harper

Internship Day 12

We didn't have any school today but I just wanted to talk about this little boy in the class who is an absolute sweetheart and his name is Bohdi. He is so sweet because every time that he sees me, he gives a huge smile and since he is only three years old, he can only say my name as Ms. Seeda since he cant pronounce his words correctly. The other day on the student's Valentine's Day party, he wore a shirt that said "Mr. Steal Your Heart". I decided to mess around with him and I asked him if he was going to steal my heart and then he kind of grabbed my shirt and pretended to take my heart. Unfortunately, when I asked for my heart back he didn't give it back to me so I went the whole day without my heart! Eventually he gave it back to me but I just thought I would share this cute story that happened to me.

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