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  • Writer's pictureJada Harper

Internship Day 3

So on Friday, I went back to Wolf Springs but the students weren't there since the students have Friday's off. During this time, I helped out the teachers with some small tasks and I also took this time to ask some questions to my teacher. I also sat in on an IEP meeting which was interesting to hear about and what kind of behaviors they look for to see if there is improvement in the student. Something else that I have from that call is that a student needs to be celebrated for any small steps of improvement especially for a student with disabilities. Additionally, I learned how Ms. Woodson will grade a student who has severe disabilities and can't do the categories that they are being graded on, she will find a similar task that they can do or is achievable for them to be graded on. Although these students will be working with different therapists that will set some goals which will also be apart of their grade. But all in all, it was a good day and an interesting experience to be apart of!

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