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  • Writer's pictureJada Harper

Internship Day 8

So today I am just going to share a heartfelt moment I had with the teachers. On Wednesday, which was the first Wednesday I have been able to attend to due to snow days, the roads and parking lots were looking pretty bad due to ice and it had already started to sleet making everyone nervous about getting home. Now on a normal day, I would leave the school whenever all of the students from my class leave, which is around 3:30, but today the teachers were especially kind. They insisted that I leave early but when I started to push back and say that I was okay to stay longer, they looked me in the eyes and said that I was leaving at three o'clock promptly and that when I get home, I was to send an email to Mrs. Woodson and let her know that I made it home safely. I just thought that that was the sweetest situation and I am grateful that I had such amazing and kind teachers looking after me and my well being.

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