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  • Writer's pictureJada Harper

Internship Day 13

Monday, I spent a lot of time trying to prepare for my lesson on Tuesday. I was going to be reading So You Want to be a Doctor to the students to go along with their community helpers unit. Since they haven't gone over being a doctor yet, I thought that it might be a nice change of pace for the students. On a completely unrelated note, I also needed to work out the specifics for my trash and recycling sensory table. Tragically, there was a plane crash involving the Amazon prime plane and it burned everything in that plane. Of course with my luck, both items that I needed for that table were in that plane. This meant that I was not able to have the sensory table ready when I wanted it but on Friday, I was able to turn in the items needed. Unfortunately, I will not be able to see it come to life but I'm sure the students will still have fun either way.

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